View From My House

View From My House

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Until Easter...

I know this is slack of me, but basically I finally got my uni books last Thursday and I hit them pretty hard to catch up, plus homeschooling the kids and Easter and birthday parties I haven't had time to ***. You get what I mean.

Reading: Dante was sent back to the yellow level to revise, but he's doing it so easy.
Labyrinth is doing great, she's 1/3 of the way through the red level.
Kai is up to book 3, about 1/3 of the way through yellow level (which is a surprise, he's doing great!)
Raven knows his alphabet, and numbers. Still working on colour and shape.

English: The big three have all been doing sentence structure worksheets. Blah! Worksheets! Reader Rabbit variety, but they love them so I let them do it.

Maths: Andrew was sorting out all of that stuff, and testing the children to see where they are at exactly.

Crafts: Well, there's something.
On Saturday we headed into Spotlight for a free craft session where the children made cards, chicks and little egg shakers. So cute! They were given a kit each to take home to do. That has been going really well. The big three have half stitch tapestry. Then Labyrinth took to hers with scissors and lost her needle, and I am yet to sort that one out. Raven and I sat down on Tuesday and did some "sand painting". We rarely get to do anything on our own and I was sooo happy and so was he. I must make time to do that more often!

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