View From My House

View From My House

Monday, March 3, 2008

An eye to possible pathways...

Today was much more relaxing. The children did reading and writing lessons, which I'm pleased to say went better today (the writing - the reading is a breeze in comparison usually). They also did cooking the main meal today.

We set plans for Dante's birthday, so in a way he got an impromptu lesson from Andrew, as he put some words and drew pics on the white board about possible things we could do, and it was great - he chose all the least expensive things! Besides a pleco, all he wants for his birthday is dinosaur stuff!

In the works is entries into the Junior Textile Competition, the children would probably make wall hangings of things of interest to them like dinosaurs/fish for Dante, Militia for Kai, Dora the Explorer and Diego for Raven and Lil Bratz for Labyrinth. I checked out some possible fat quarters today and am quite impressed about what's out there. YAY!

I am also encouraging Labyrinth to enter a competition of the photographic kind, which she appears to have a talent in! We'll see how that goes, entries must be in mid month so I'll be encouraging her alot this week!

Loving the possiblities, enjoying life, Q.

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