This was going to be a great post about the Marine Discovery Centre, but there you go... somethings are not meant to be. All to sick with the 'flu. Here's some wonderful artworks from Labyrinth (top left), Dante (top right) and Raven (next to).
They did some reading too, but today as the house needed sorting and we were, nearly all of us, down with a nasty 'flu I guess that is all we could really do today. We always read though, Dante read Grug goes to the zoo, I read Donald Duck's Sail Boat to Raven and Kai and Labyrinth read to me more of Dr Suess' Fox in Socks.
We did have that vacination against the 'flu but it seems to have done very little for us... or maybe we would have been hospital bad, maybe....
Thats All Folks, Q
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