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Saturday, May 31, 2008
5 reasons why I home educate
1.To create a loving, safe, creative, unhindered place to learn for my children. So they may not lose that wonderful spark of curiousity that inhabits them from birth. To allow them to be individuals, to allow them to think for themselves, to act on their desires instead of having them decided for them. To allow them to have a childhood.
2. To take advantage of various styles of education without having to spend a fortune on a single design private/alternative educating system. We adopt various things from Steiner/Wardof, Unschooling/natural learning with the basics, Child-Delight/Led learning.
3. To enjoy a wonderful, free unforced lifestyle.
4. Because we can provide better for our children as we know them far more than a teacher who only has them in the classroom with 29 other children who really require the same focused individual attention.
5. Because I'm excercising one of the few rights I have over my life, and using this as a role model for my own children to allow themselves to be as free to choose as they want, without the baggage accumulated from school.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Garden of Earthly Delights... er I wish... part 6
Thursday, May 29, 2008
clocked over 1000...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Avarian Australis! Rosellas and Black Swans
Kai: Here we discussed the genus and the behaviour of the Black Swan. We looked in the following detail at their anatomy, and we talked about their behaviour and we learnt together. They are the kind of bird that mates for life, is extremely territorial and will kill to protect its young. We looked at the different types of feathers they have, and why (flight feathers are long, slick feathers for aquatic reasons and the fluffy down for warmth). We also talked about how they are native to Australia, but introduced to New Zealand. We also talked about breeding habits and eating habits. We also spoke about the sanctuary that we can see outside for swans and why that is important. We also watched a few videos of the black swan that can be found here.
Here is the swans we coloured them in after the children read the various points:
I really am proud they have natural curiosity, they are inquisitive, they are patient with me (because I've been unwell lately and bit short) and Andrew has been rather unwell and not handling the children well at all, so I need to ease off with them a little. They are doing very well, and they have been stuck inside with this rain (although this afternoon they let it all go when we visited thier cousins house today). R and Dante share a birthday (exact same day, exactly 12 hours apart, Dante being the elder). They are similar in appearance in that they are both dark blonde and similar height. But that's where the similarities end. They are also in different realms academically speaking. But they get along well. Unlike R and his siblings, Dante actually gets along with his own. R's brothers and sister are violent and stir each other mercilessly. S (sis in law) commented on that tonight, she said all of my children are peaceful and don't pick on each other (not really anyway, more hurt each other out of enthusiasm than maliciousness). She also commented on how R is struggling with reading at the moment and he is taking a remedial class. She wanted to know where Dante is at with his reading. I admitted he was well advanced. She wanted to know how that could be, but instead I told her to consider that schooling is very dependant on ability to read, everything requires it, and with homeschooling it isn't as pushed. Children learn when they are ready but school is not flexible in this way. Ultimately, the homeschool children who read later are no better off or worse off than their schooled counterparts, but they didn't have the pressure, stress, embarressment that comes with not being a reader. Or continuously being on the catch up as they fall further and further behine. The homeschooled child is far better at other things, and having fun before they decide, hey, that person can read what am I missing out on? and get on with it. However, I do teach the basics (reading/writing/math) we are totally organic in our approach to everything else and to that too excepting HOP. Otherwise there is a touch of Steiner and a whole lot of natural learning going on. In regards to who is the happier child and ultimately the happier adult in the long term, I think I can guess!
Love life, its the only one you have, Q.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Birds and Pictures.... and X-rays
First I'll talk about Kai. Kai didn't do any school learning today for the simple fact its coming up the the yearly anniversary of his broken leg. What a nasty episode that was, he split his femur in two, broke the long bone diagonally narrowly missing his growth plate (small mercies) and it was a third of the length of the bone. This is the kind of injury that is more common to skiing or car accidents. How did he do it? He was running down a small slope at Tolosa St Reserve, not noticing a large, stepped hole, he fell over bang onto his knee and Snap!!!
It was terrible, one of my nightmares is to see someone with a leg bent the wrong angle, and there he was my own son in this predicament, not 2 weeks off his fifth birthday... He was in a hip sica for 6 weeks, after half a week in traction (that week was hell. We kept a bedside vigil, as you do, but it was heartbreaking because everytime he needed to be moved ie to toilet or to be pulled up the bed because they screwed up the wieghts and he had to be dragged back up after he slid down X distance). Well, today is the week before D Day for poor young Kai. Simply put... as the injured area is stimulated to heal, it is also stimulated to grow. However, this means that if he overshoots he'll be lame unless he gets it surgically rebroken. So, after today's X-Ray, and next weeks visit to the registrar, we will be aware of which road we'll be headed. Another 6 weeks of pain for Kai for the sake of his leg, or he'll be all clear. Time will tell, but I'm nervous as hell for him....
So he and Andrew spent an hour waiting to be seen as the room was occupied by a naughty child who they could not settle for a long time for their X-Rays.
Meanwhile, at home, the remaining children and I did some lessons about birds. We were inspired by the bird watching on the way back from the picnic, and the swans we love to see on the way back home from being 'out'. The lessons for the big two were matching bird names together (ie half and half) and writing them out, then writing and drawing the birds we counted on the way home. So inspired were they that they've asked for some more bird lessons tommorrow! They are so curious, they really want to learn. So without further ado, here the pictures are...
Labyrinth's Swan and Cygnet:
Labyrinth's bird name matching worksheet:
Above, last but not least is Labyrinths cut out drawing of a cat. I so think they are all getting better at writing and drawing, and their confidence is soaring!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Old Fashioned H/Edder Picnic, 14 Ravens and 6 Magpies
This young lady was stealing hearts, as usual... and below her big sister is playing and experimenting!
Caught unawares, Labyrinth looks like she's having fun! Below are examples of the creativity of homeschoolers amongst us:
Another of pretty princess above, and Kai inside the hall below in amongst the girls:
What a wonderful day we had with such a diverse mix of homeschoolers. What lovely people they all are. NO bickering or nastiness, just relaxed, healthy good fun! I got the word out there about the little forum, but it is quiet! No one new has joined yet. Apparently, twas tried a few times, but no one supports it because Tasmanian Home Edders are factioned and isolated, and seem to prefer to stay that way, unfortunately. The community is wonderful, but almost seem fearful of extending beyond their own groups, for some reason.
Tolosa St Reserve BBQ
Sitting on the wooden throne (I could only get the biggest three to pose):
A few beautiful Ravens were about, this one stopped by as we were leaving, and was only like two or so steps away from me!