View From My House

View From My House

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Our current watching of the David Attenborough DVD encylopedia Life On Earth, beginning with Life In the Undergrowth is currently inspiring our current theme of work. Here we have our worksheets from today, writing, drawing, maths and we also learnt about antanyms and synanyms. They chose their favourite critters to draw and write about. In order of Kai, Dante, Labyrinth.

Below is Raven and Monika's efforts. Raven is keen to write and Monika is keen to grow up quick!


They were such a pleasure to work with today, they had a real interest in what they were doing, they were trying very hard to do their very best and they really seemed to have jumped a few bridges since the last time we sat down to such formal lessons. Since we have been doing much more natural learning I am starting to become a believer in natural learning/unschooling. They love to learn which magical and sooo important for them, I'm so glad they don't go to school to have it beaten out of them! Just positive vibes here today *)

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