View From My House
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Blogging.... and stuff
I've been heavily asthmatic since breaking my arm, and flu/gastro has ravaged the house. It hasn't been pretty. Raven, as usual, has suffered the greatest and the longest. Poor little tacker.
On an upper note, we have started our myth/legend unit... we're discovering The Greeks right now. How niave I've been not to realise we owe so much to these very sophisticated, hugely intelligent and innovative people. Theatre, style of governance, free thinking, sport, recreation, religion that is intergrated throughout everything and of course philosophy.
I'm yet to get back into scanning/taking pics. That will be sooner than later now. The children are all starting thier own blogs, the youngest two will be doing photo/video blogs while the older two can show off their skills they are yet to learn on other forms of blogging as well as those types. Just set those blogs up today, yet to make posts, but at least they are ready minus pics - which will also arrive soon.
Labyrinth is turning 10 on Thursday, and we'll celebrate at home then on Saturday we'll be having a greater family bbq, inviting the cousins etc. The weather is totally unpredicatable, so we shall see how that happens.
I'm sorry to have been so lame about getting blogs up, but that should now be a past issue now my arm is this much recovered, cheers, Q.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Just a very quick update
We'll be embarking on a new long unit concerning Legend, Myth, Folklore and Fairytales from around the world. I guess its partly inspired by Steiner education, partly to inspire the children to be immersed in the wonderful world of story that is part of as many cultures as possible. As we study each mini unit, we'll complete a lapbook, do various activities to bring alive the stories using whatever the story inspires us to do and mark it onto a location on a map, defining it by type, and reference to location of the corresponding lapbook.
The following few weeks will be dedicated to Greek and Roman Mythology. Labyrinth will get a chance to learn about the meaning of her name, however well leave Dante's to modern Italy (Inferno).
The littlest are very much enjoying ABC Reading Eggs (we are using a free trial and brought the first kit). We use Muzzy too. The older children will still be doing the everyday basics the 3 Rs of course, but Andrew has decided they are ready to begin to learn computer programming skills, and start blogging and fundamental web building skills, so with any luck you might be seeing a bit more of them!
Other than that I've been sick probably due to my lower immunity due to my arm, won't find out if I need surgery until Tuesday which will hopefully put many concerns/queries to rest.
I am finding this so slow! I wish I could use a voice recognition for this blog!
Anyway, until nect time, Q.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I feel like an idiot... Hey no different!!!
Was walking towards the van on a cement path, must have stepped off the path slightly and whoosh the tire was coming at me then i flopped onto my back and couldn't feel my arm, initially just felt my leg... quite grazed and bruised. Was thinking, didn't bother me as a child, big deal, happens. trying to use my arm noticed it wasn't working at all properly, hurt like hell if I moved it in a particular way but if I nursed it, it wasn't so bad.
I went about my appointments and shopping anyway. Andrew inspected it and decided I needed a doctor... Normal GP busy, so off the after hours dr who examined me briefly deciding I needed X-Rays so off to ER. There I seen an ols aquaintence and her poor preety toddler girl having a good play waiting... turns out she choked on food it got into her lungs, infext and give her pnemonia. Poor lass!
After a brief wait I got X-Rays (without pain relief)... couldnt get a clear image. Much, much, much later (after another suspected fracture goes home without a break during this time), Im finally taken into the after hours clinic to be seen by nurse and doctor who determines that most likely I have a fracture in my Radial head as I have limited movement in my twist and extension movements and no strength in my grip. Go home with heavy pain killers and await the mercy of the orthopedic clinic... maybe a week of waiting! They will do CT and/or MRI to decide if I need surgery then. Otherwise I'm in a sling, uncomfy!
So, please be forgiving if I'm slack, have lots to do like Uni/home educate and one hand typing is very slow! Q.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
99 bottles of *sand* on the wall
Friday, August 7, 2009
A Week Of Art, Reptile Unit finished, YAY
tiger snake facts here and other snakes here and croc'n'snappers here... important to know really depending where we might be living in the bush. Below for the next three are various examples of the worksheets completed, first is Labyrinth's sheet which is descriptive words about various reptiles.
Besides this they've been doing BOOST Math on the computer, still doing writing drills in their books, read aloud, usually to the littlest two (makes it a bit easier on Andrew and I - they aren't asking us 24/7) and to themselves from chapter books. Dante's currently reading Extreme Adventure: Scorpion Sting, Kai is reading The Donkey who carried the Wounded, and Labyrinth is reading the last graphic novel to the anime Fruits Basket.
Today we are, after lunch, going to do glass bottle and sand craft, and cooking cup cakes tomorrow.
I've started doing Uni again, as previously mentioned, which has been taking up far too much time just finding the cheapest books. Also we've brought about $200 on various green building methods and bee keeping which has also taken up lots of time reading those, but loving it. It was actually worth a lot more, but there was a huge 30% discount blanket across the store as they were having a huge birthday sale of 30 years. YAY Book City. Imagine building your main house structure for under $1.000 which is fire proof. Yeah, I'm interested.
Also been sick a bit too... and Raven poor lad, was feverish on Thursday night but now seems perfect. Monika is weaning slowly... and as I didn't manage to put up any of her artwork I owe a photo of her next time. As for now though, I'll endeavour to put up at least two posts a week or more. Q.