View From My House

View From My House

Monday, June 8, 2009

Day of the Dead, Drawings etc

OK, so it just seemed like the day of the dead with our resident zombies, above is Raven's art, below is his face art:

Below is Monika's art/face paint (this is her first ever face painting, no adverse reactions so all is good:

And here we have Kai's work/face painting. This is a really great photo of Kai! Usually he looks mournful, which would have been appropriate. Hey, his a contrary wise young man...

Dante had to be a bit different. His art/his face, a big cat.

And Labyrinth's work/face painting. She's put real effort into her Africa drawing and she kept this a secret from us for over a week! She does art therapy, and this is a fantastic example of what she can do (but rarely does for herself).

They may look the zombie part, but I sure feel like the zombie-girl lately. Been drugged out on anti-depressants, can't sleep at night, can't wake in the morning, so it makes for some interesting mistakes. That and I've still not weaned Monika so I can't actually go onto another drug. Anyways, lots of natural learning going on but very little formal I'm afraid. We've been gardening, drawing, visiting people, going out to Fit'N'Fun, cooking, using the computer and watching TV etc. We had lots of fun making music yesterday, I brought I Love to Sing, by Justine from playschool. We watched the DVD they danced while I folded the clothes. Then they played drums and made a great hulabaloo! So cute they are, and it was fantastic to see Kai get into music and laugh and smile lots and of course the little two had a ball. We do a lot of spontaneous singing/dancing in our house, I love it! Next I must post pics of our seedlings, pea plant experiment!

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