View From My House

View From My House

Monday, July 14, 2008

Update... nah, not forgotten

We've been going nuts getting our DVD collection ripped so it is not being destroyed by little Raven and the others. That's over 100 I've personally ripped in the last two weeks. Also getting our house under control which has literally been an uphill battle - one step forward a dozen back - because of and a detriment to the children.
Have a bad habit of sleeping in a little bit. I am always up by nine, and the children are always fed when I get up... but the problem is that up to three hours they've already been awake they've wrecked havoc upon our humble home. I have been having troubled sleep with Monika lately which really sets me back, and Andrew has been depressed on an off, well more on than off. It makes me nearly tear my hair out.
Today has been positive though...
We've surged ahead as a team. I have much to scan and upload onto this blog about what we've managed to achieve - which is very little really.
Well that's all for now, we're about to go out. Q.

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