View From My House

View From My House

Friday, July 4, 2008

Garden of Earthly I wish... part 7

Above we have Kai and Dante sporting some moss found growing on our tree out the front, we are considering it for our paludarium.
Yes, even in the depths of winter we are attempting our garden. These roses were given to me by my mum (thank you mum), and in the depths of winter because they were sleeping and less likely to be traumatised by changing houses. Anyways: BEFORE


Progress of what we've already done: Jasmine, Spider Plants, the Other Jasmine, Osirus's Rose (which has been in continuous bloom since it was planted at his resting place), and the foam boxes which is home to our spring onions, beans and various herbs.

So still happening, just slowed down since its cold. We will also be transplanting another half dozen or so roses, and a whole heap of raspberry canes yummy.

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