naturally the children think Santa had a lot to do with it *)
The big day was so big for Monika she didn't open up all of her presents for 3 days! Very emotional about the whole experience.
SO what did Santa bring to the little Harris angels?
Labyrinth and Dante: Littlest Pet Shop (ever since they discovered it they have loved it and now have begun to play together again. Labyrinth got a walkman and Dante got a Hovercraft!
Kai: A RC Tank! A Schliech El Elephante....
Raven and Monika: Blocks to share.... the Diego and Dora variety (so they'll play together really well.
They all got bikes, a Beanie Bear each too. When I say bikes, I mean real good bikes, real brakes and real tyres for the three biggest, Raven got a Dora trike and Monika got a ride on Dora Plus mum and dad got bikes and bike trailer that Raven and Monika can ride in when we go for bike rides. They got DVDs/Blu-Rays and a game bringing us to the next point...
Santa (argh hem... Rudd) also brought us a PS3 and a PS2 (as these PS3s don't play PS2s anymore.)
We've all rather enjoyed LittleBIGPlanet very much! Raven did complete a game of Dora before getting some hang of the controller (its still too big for his little hands) but he loves to try anyway!
Stupidly, I can't play many 3D environment games as it makes me middle ear go nuts and makes me puke. But I can play LBP! YAY!
The big day also involved my sister, her boyfriend and their baby, my parents and a homeless guy round for a turkey (full turkey) and roast pork christmas lunch (there was salad and desert, too of course). None of that christmas cake/pudding for me though.... YUK! I don't like dried fruit at all.... and I can't eat cream anymore.... I really can't touch Dairy anymore. I stick with Rice Moolk and goats/sheeps cheeses and soy ice-cream... what I really really really miss though is yogurt. Greek Yogurt Company yogurt. The BEST yogurt on earth, I swear to you. It was rather rushed, I was half asleep but I enjoyed it immensely.. I only wished for a few more items for christmas I didn't get... a shed for the new bikes, a raised garden bed!
Desert for me was fresh raspberries curtesy of my Mum's garden, there was a mountain of it!
Well, I'll post more of our last month tomorrow, just briefly.... I know its a cop out, but hey, this is predominately a home school journal!